Aerojet Rocketdyne's InThinking Network
Ongoing Discussion Conference Calls

Now in our seventeenth year of operation, the aim of our "OD" sessions is to continue to foster an improved appreciation of "thinking together about thinking," which we refer to as InThinking, within an emerging thinking network that is developing inside Aerojet Rocketdyne and beyond.

This is a toll-free conference call within the United States and Canada. International participants are welcome to join in as well, provided they do so at their own expense for the conference call.

Conference call information, both toll-free and for-fee, is provided upon completing the participant survey for each month's conference calls. Link here for instructions on how to use Skype for toll-free participation. Link here to find your time zone in comparison to the Pacific Time zone, where the calls are hosted every month from 12-2pm.

The announcements are posted on this web site as a public service to participants who are members of the In2:InThinking Network.

Ongoing Discussions - 2008  

Announcements for "OD" sessions in 2008 follow below, along with designated Thought Leaders and Thought Pieces:

December 2008
- Announcement
Thought Leader: George Roth
Thought Pieces:
Enterprise Change Capabilities
Distributing Leadership Practices for Lean Transformation
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.

File links for the last two 1-hour calls follow below;

Options 3 & 4 - Friday, December 19th, from 12-2pm PT (109M)
OD conference call references:
LAI's 4 main research focus areas
LAI's posted case studies from Enterprise Change Management Research Area

December 2008 -
Thought Leaders: Kenneth ("Ken") Hopper and William ("Will") Hopper
Thought Pieces: Prologue and Chapter 1 of The Puritan Gift
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the two 1-hour calls follow below;

Options 1 & 2 - Thursday, December 4th, from 12-2pm PT (8MB)
OD conference call references:
A Brief History of the Civil Communications Section (CCS) in post-war Japan
A Brief History of the CCS Manual
The Fundamentals of Industrial Management CCS Training Manual prepared by Homer Sarasohn
Review of The Puritan Gift included in the December 2007/January 2008 In2:InThinking Network newsletter

November 2008 -
Thought Leaders: Joel & Michelle Levey
Thought Piece: Exploring the Mind Fitness Frontier
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the four 1-hour calls follow below;

Options 1 & 2 - Thursday, November 20th, from 12-2pm PT (41MB)
             Option 3 - Friday, November 21st, from 12-1pm PT (22MB)
Option 4 - Friday, November 21st, from 1-2pm PT (19MB)
OD conference call references:
Link to receive a "Thought of the Day" from Joel's and Michelle's website

October 2008 -
Thought Leader: Lew Rhodes
Thought Piece: In Search of the 5th Why?
Lew's mental health warning
Lew's comments on the closing education question during the October 15, 2008 U.S. Presidential Debate
OD Addendum from Lew - Leader as Community Organizer
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the four 1-hour calls follow below;

Option 1 - Thursday, October 23rd, from 1-2pm PT (45MB)
             Option 2 - Thursday, October 23rd, from 1-2pm PT (45MB)
             Option 3 - Friday, October 24th, from 12-1pm PT (45MB)
             Option 4 - Friday, October 24th, from 1-2pm PT (57MB)    
OD conference call references:
Dawna Markova's "Smart Wired" website

September 2008 -
Thought Leaders: Peter Scholtes and Brian Joiner
Thought Pieces (Peter Scholtes)
Thought Piece (Brian Joiner: Article from Wisconsin State Journal ("Unthinkable curve graces his design")
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the four 1-hour calls follow below;

 Option 1 - Thursday, September 25th, from 12-1pm PT (11MB)
             Option 2 - Thursday, September 25th, from 1-2pm PT (14MB)
             Option 3 - Friday, September 26th, from 12-1pm PT (46MB)
             Option 4 - Friday, September 26th, from 1-2pm PT (51MB)
OD conference call references:
Madison, WI Management Improvement efforts
Rob Hopkins
Transition Towns
Innovative thinking on urban farming

August 2008 -
Thought Leader: Sheila Ronis
Thought Piece: The Project on National Security Reform: Vision Working Group Update
Link to Working Group Website for updates
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the four 1-hour calls follow below;

             Option 1 - Thursday, August 21st, from 12-1pm PT (27MB)
             Option 2 - Thursday, August 21st, from 1-2pm PT (23MB)
             Option 3 - Friday, August 22nd, from 12-1pm PT (25MB)
             Option 4 - Friday, August 22nd, from 1-2pm PT (22MB)corded and converted to mp3 files, available for download afterward
July 2008 - Announcement
Thought Leader: Ariane David
Thought Piece: Thinking Outside the "I": Moving from My Space to OurSpace
Download the pdf file of this 2008 Forum presentation
Home page for Ariana's 2008 Forum presentation
Download the 17MB mp3 audio file of Ariane's Forum presentation

This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the four 1-hour calls follow below;
             Options 1 & 2 - Monday, July 14th, from 12-2pm PT (24MB)
             Options 3 & 4 - Tuesday, July 15th, from 12-2pm PT (25MB)

month's OD sessions will be recorded and converted to

June 2008 - Announcement
Thought Leaders: Cyndi Laurin and Craig Morningstar
Thought Piece: The Four Pillars of Organizational Greatness
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for two of the the four 1-hour calls follow below;
             Options 1 & 2 - Thursday, June 26th, from 12-2pm PT (26MB)        
Options 3 & 4 - Friday, June 27th, from 12-2pm PT
                          not available due to technical problems                        

May 2008 - Announcement
Thought Leader: Tom Johnson
Thought Pieces:
Keynote address - In2:InThinking Network 2008 Forum
What Are the Measures That Matter?
Reflections of a Recovering Management Accountant
Bringing Quality to Life
Remarks upon receiving 2007 Deming Medal from the American Society for
             Quality Control

Lean Dilemma
Thinking About Sustainability
How the Universe Story and MBM Can Save Business, Society, and the Earth
            from the Dictatorship of Strategic Financial Management
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the four 1-hour calls follow below;
             Options 1 & 2 - Wednesday, May 28th, from 12-2pm PT (28MB)
             Options 3 & 4 - Wednesday, May 30th, from 12-2pm PT (25MB)  
OD conference call references:
Free copy of the referenced June 2008 Harvard Business Review
article on Toyota ("The Contradictions That Drive Toyota's Success")
Story of Stuff website

April 2008

Thought Leader: Ariane David - moved to July 2008

March 2008 - Announcement
Thought Leaders: Bob Dickman and Richard Maxwell
Thought Piece: The Elements of Persuasion
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the four 1-hour calls follow below;
             Options 1 & 2 - Wednesday, March 19th, from 12-2pm PT (93MB)
             Options 3 & 4 - Thursday, March 20th, from 12-2pm PT (95MB)

February 2008 - Announcement
Thought Leader: Sheldon Rovin
Thought Piece: Handling Uncertainty
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for two of the four 1-hour calls follow below;
             Options 1 & 2 - Thursday, February 28th, from 12-2pm PT
                          not available due to technical problems 
             Option 3 - Friday, February 29th, from 12-1pm PT (46MB)
             Option 4 - Friday, February 29th, from 1-2pm PT (49MB)    

January 2008 - Announcement
Thought Leader: Russell Ackoff
Thought Pieces (suggested links to review in preparation for the conference call):
Lecture on "Systems Practice" at Open University (audio file)
Transforming the Systems Movement
A Major Mistake that Managers Make
From Mechanistic to Social Systems Thinking
This month's OD sessions were recorded and converted to mp3 files.
File links for the four 1-hour calls follow below;
             Option 1 - Thursday, January 24th, from 12-1pm PT (16MB)
             Option 2 - Thursday, January 24th, from 1-2pm PT (15MB)
             Option 3 - Friday, January 25th, from 12-1pm PT (14MB)
             Option 4 - Friday, January 25th, from 1-2pm PT (18MB)

Ongoing Discussions - Prior Years

ETN Video


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