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Weekend Conference Presentation
Morning Parallel Track - June 13th
Breaking the Mold on Leadership - My
Journey of Discovery
Presented by Kevin Cahill

Link here to find Thought Piece (video) below


Abstract: Dr. Deming believed that 94% of the problems and possibilities for improvement in an organization belong to the system and thus are the responsibility of our leaders and management. With everyone doing their best, why do most of our leaders and managers embrace the prevailing style of management and follow their “common sense”? We will explore the universal responsibility of leaders and managers, including what is critical for their organizations to survive and thrive. How does a leader bring about improvement and innovation and creation of trust? What are those sources of power and what knowledge is needed to shape our future and bring about a better life for everyone?

Kevin Cahill

Biography: Kevin Edwards Cahill is Dr. Deming’s grandson and currently volunteers full-time as the Executive Director of The W. Edwards Deming Institute®, a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering an understanding of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge®. He also serves on the Board of Trustees, where he is President and a Successor Founding Trustee.

Kevin is responsible for guiding the global efforts to achieve the aim of The Deming Institute and leads their strategic planning, management, operations, marketing and communications efforts. He travels, speaks, writes and presents on behalf of The Deming Institute® and in support of his grandfather’s message. Kevin is a member of the ASQ Deming Medal Committee.

Previously, Kevin was co-founder and CEO of ViewBridge, Inc. The company was founded in 1999 and through its operating division, AdConnections, launched the first large-scale web-based sales system application for the broadcast television industry in 2001. AdConnections’ technology and approach helped streamline existing business practices, communications and negotiations in the US broadcast business.

Prior to that, Kevin was Vice President Regional Sales Manager for media rep firm, Katz Communications. His study and application of Dr. Deming’s philosophy led to his 1988 selection as a founding member of the Katz Kosmic Committee, a group tasked with providing guidance and leadership in the transformation to a new sales system. As chairman of the committee from 1995-1998 he helped guide the design and implementation of various sales, technology, and management systems.

Kevin was born and raised in Washington DC and graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in history. He currently resides in Sun Valley, Idaho with his wife Judy, who volunteers for the Deming Institute and serves on their Advisory Board.

Contact: Kevin can be reached by e-mail at kevin@deming.org for additional information about this Weekend Conference session.


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