March 2011
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne's
Ongoing Discussion Announcement
In This Issue
50 States and 16,000+ miles in a year
Memories of Russ Ackoff
Garden of Eden
Thought Leader - Leslie Peters
OD Details
International Calling Options
Future OD Dates
Systems Thinking Newsletter
InThinking Roadmap Seminars and Workshops
InThinking Together
Six Thinking Hats
Lateral Thinking
Managing Variation as a System
Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making
The New Economics Study Session
Design of Experiments & Taguchi Methods -...An Overview
Aim and Stats
Now in our twelfth year of operation, the aim of the "OD" sessions is to continue to foster an appreciation of  InThinking within an emerging network that is developing inside Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and beyond. Dates for future "OD" sessions along with additional "thinking" opportunities for 2011 can be found in this announcement.

OD Stats

For an update on OD statistics, this month's invitation is going out to 5000+ partners in the U.S., as well as fellow inthinking partners in Australia, Austria, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Chile, Dubai, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,  the United Arab Emirates, and the U.K. Taken together, these individuals represent over 600 organizations in this list of nations, from elementary schools and senior high schools to colleges and universities, from one-person consulting firms to United Technologies, GM, IBM, General Electric, NASA,  Philips Electronics, and The Boeing Company. Among this list of invitees, participation in February's OD conference calls with Bob Dickman included 37 partners 
from across the US and UK, with another 18 joining in for a 1-day session with Arnie Goodman (in all, 99 have joined in so far in 2011, 520+  joined us in 2010, 450 in 2009, 394 in 2008, 342 in 2007, 444 in 2006, and 402 in 2005...ah, yes, variation exists).

And, yes, Grace, the diffusion process of connecting thought leaders continuuues...

Join Our Mailing List
Good morning from the west coast home of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR), located in Canoga Park, California, on the western end of the San Fernando Valley in greater Los Angeles.

In a week that includes Pi Day, the Ides of March, and St. Patrick's Day, let's end the week with the announcement of the third Ongoing Discussion announcement of 2011.  For those who prefer to work together, learn together, and think together (well beyond the last straw and in terms of theories, not truths, with an appreciation of variation, one size may not fit all, and more...), it's time to come together in the spirit of improving our abilities to do so in our respective a starting point.  Towards this end, this month we feature Leslie Peters as our Thought Leader, in sessions set for Thursday, March 24th and Friday, March 25th.  Details follows below.

ink here for the PARTICIPANT SURVEY for this month's OD with Leslie and to receive the conference call information once you complete the survey.  

Bill Bellows

Associate Fellow and Lead
InThinking Network
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
Canoga Park, California

50 States and 16,000+ miles in a Year

Duty, Honor, America Tour

The cover story of a recent edition of Time magazine is titled, "An American Journey - 6,782 miles, 12 states, 24 days, 576 songs," a journey in pursuit of "the issues people are talking about."   Meanwhile, the husband and wife team of Doug Adams and Deb Lewis, who joined us as Thought Leaders in July 2009 on the topic of Reconstruction in Iraq: An Extraordinary Opportunity to Expand One's Thinking on How We "Help" Others, are going further, much further, all in the spirit of "helping" focus "awareness and action" on the issues of U.S. veterans.  With Doug on his bicycle and Deb and Daisy, their 10-year old Chihuahua, in the tour's motor coach, Simba, progress along their 50 state, 16,000+ mile "Duty, Honor, America Tour" can be tracked on their website as well as on Facebook. Look for Doug and Deb to share their stories with us, along the tour, as Thought Leaders in 2011.  Until then, follow them on their blog sites (Doug and Deb), as well as on Facebook and using Twitter for day-by-day updates.  

At last report, Deb and Doug were seen along Interstate 24
in northern Tennessee, heading towards Kentucky after passing through Nashville and Graceland (Graceland, Graceland, Graceland, Tennessee, they went to Graceland.....), looking for Elvis and friends they've not yet met, to share their vision with.
Memories of and from Russ Ackoff 

Russ Ackoff at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

The one and only Russ Ackoff served as our "January" Ongoing Discussion Thought Leader on four occasions between 2006 and 2009.  In addition to these "visits" with us from his home in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, he also traveled to Canoga Park every year, from 2003 through 2007, to deliver half-day and full-day lectures in our Leadership & Learning Center (picture above), as well as in Boeing's Conference Center in nearby Huntington Beach.  In doing so, he inspired us with his countless "systems" stories, from his chance visit to AT&T's Bell Labs to experience the account of the "overnight destruction of the Bell telephone system" (and his discovery of their use what came to be known as the Idealized Design process) to the tale of a cost-cutting paper company client, who continued to offer sales of a paltry amount (think "loss leader") of specialty photographic paper to Claire Booth Luce, whose husband's company, Time magazine, was their number 1 customer.  One of these stories, plus many more from his career in the U.S. Army, stationed in the South Pacific, to his lengthy career as a management consultant, is told by Russ in the first of two recent posthumous publications by Triarchy Press, titled Memories.  Follow this link for more details on this book, in addition to news of the second book, Differences That Make a Difference.   Here's a link for details on a special discount.

To view a video (of another previous and upcoming Thought Leader) John Pourdehnad's fond memories of Russ, follow this link on YouTube.
Menlo Labs' "Garden of Eden" in LA 

Gardening for People and Planet

Tracy Huston, our Ongoing Discussion Thought Leader in 2007 and again in 2009, with Dave Flanigan, has been putting her green thumb to work in Los Angeles, guided by her systemic thinking and joining minds and arms with Dave Flanigan to initiate an urban farming project that is serving 150 families a week (including 40+ within Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne) with everything from carrots to chilies, employing at-risk youth in the San Fernando Valley, and providing free training for more than 75 employees.  In a recent visit to their North Hollywood farm (covered by local media, including the LA Daily News) on land provided by the Department of Water and Power, and a project funded by the city of Los Angeles, Tracy and Dave shared a vision of "an Eden in the middle of a city" and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa imagined "what we could do if the city could now find more land."

While we wait for a return visit by Tracy and Dave as Ongoing Discussion Thought Leaders in 2011, link here for more about their recent book, Gardening for People and Planet.

Welcome First Timers

Your names have been added to this announcement list by virtue of your attendance in our series of InThinking Roadmap seminars, workshops, and overviews within Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, or attendance at the annual In2:InThinking Network Forum, through a personal request, from you or a friend.  Welcome to our thinking networks.

Click either link below to send me the name(s) and e-mail address(es) of anyone you would like to have added to this mailing list, or let me know if you would like to be removed.  Thanks!!! 


Thought Leader - Leslie Peters

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne's InThinking Network welcomes Leslie Peters, from San Diego, to lead our third Ongoing Discussion of 2011 on March 24th and 25th (and our 135th session since we began in January 2000).  Leslie has selected Vision Dominates Thinking as our topic this month in her first time with us.   Next month, she will deliver a presentation on this topic at the 10th Annual In2:InThinking Network Forum, set for April 28 - May 3.   Link here to read more about her presentation.

Leslie Peters 











Leslie was introduced to the linkage between thinking and vision through a mutual friend, Dr. Bruce Barr, a psychologist with a passion for educating children.   Fifty years ago, Bruce encountered this link in his research into childhood learning difficulties and has been spreading his awareness ever since.  From a systems thinking perspective, the appreciation that vision dominates thinking is another classic example of how changing the size of the system brings new solutions.  In this case, to address solutions to learning difficulties, when moving from a perspective that vision is caused by "the eye" (ending at the optic nerve) to one in which vision is caused by "the eye in connection to the brain." 

In a brief excerpt from her Thought Piece, Leslie offers this explanation;


Thinking is what makes us human. It is what makes each person utterly unique. But what makes us think? The answer is sensory processing or how our senses take in and use information from our environment. That processing is directly related to the individual development of each person's senses and how those senses integrate with each other.  We commonly assume the people around us see what we see, hear what we hear, and have the same reality we have. This is a misconception. Each person does not take in information the same way as the next and a smarter, more effective person is likely one with more highly developed senses as opposed to only the person who has acquired more information.

Leslie's Thought Piece includes a web link to a video with an experiment to demonstrate how vision dominates thinking.   A second link to this video will be added using for anyone who has trouble accessing the link in the Thought Piece.  This link will be sent to everyone who registers for any of the sessions.


In her appreciation of the role of inquiry, Leslie offers these questions for pondering in preparation for this Ongoing Discussion;


Is there a "processing" gap between older and younger workers?


Do we consider how one co-worker may process information differently than another?


What is the outlook for our future workforce? What strengths and weaknesses do you see?


Are you spending more time and money on training now than twenty years ago?


What does your training look like? Is it multi-sensory?


Are you accounting for cognitive and ocular-motor fatigue created by the additional technology in the workplace?


How many of your employees or co-workers are utterly distracted by their child's difficulties in school?


If we do not figure out the best method to teach literacy and critical thinking will we instead import more labor and spend increasing billions on welfare and incarceration for the at-risk populations that drop out of school?  


Biographical Information  


Leslie has over 20 years experience as an author/producer, specializing in leading multi-disciplinary teams of subject matter experts and administrators in the creation of multi-tiered, multi-media educational programs. Her training programs have been used in over 800 schools and government agencies and garnered over 60 awards, including 2 Emmy awards and 30 Telly awards. Her educational broadcast programming has been seen and heard on public television and radio stations around the country. Ms. Peters has produced leadership and management training programs for a variety of organizations, from the Department of Justice to billion dollar corporations on the topics of crisis management, coaching, best practices, corporate change, and the psychology of retention. Each program is research-based and relies on extensive input from both experts and end-users. Most recently she authored the Vision and Learning professional development series, offered for continuing education units in partnership with several colleges and universities and online in a streaming media format at 

Contact Leslie at with any questions you would like to share with her in preparation for his OD session with us. 

OD Details

Please join us for one or all of the hours of this month's ODs. As always, you are invited to participate for as long, or as short, as you can in one or more of these sessions.  Note that the conversations vary from session to session, due to a variety of causes, such as who participates and what questions are asked.   This diversity is captured every month, as the calls are recorded and posted as mp3 files on a PWR OD website that is being created.
Option - Date/Time (Pacific Time), with Leslie Peters;
1 - Thursday, March 24th - 12:00-1:00pm
2 - Thursday, March 24th - 1:00-2:00pm 
3 - Friday, March 25th - 12:00-1:00pm
4 - Friday, March 25th - 1:00-2:00pm

The agenda for each option will be:
Timing: Topic
Opening 10 minutes: Call in & Introductions
Next 45 minutes: Ongoing Discussion
Last 5 minutes: Farewells and Close

Please reply to this note by noon Pacific Time on Wednesday,

March 23rd to confirm your plans to participate in one (or more) of these options. If you do plan to attend, please complete the OD PARTICIPATION SURVEY by using the link below...


Those of you connecting in Canoga Park can join in with Leslie, "live" at the Canoga facility (Thursday - LLC) and DeSoto facility (Friday - Omega Room).

Telecon lines (including a pass code and a security code) have been arranged for those who cannot join us at the DeSoto facility and are provided upon completion of the participant survey.

As always, please forward this announcement to anyone we missed who would also like to participate.


International Participants

Our conference call sessions are toll-free within the U.S. and Canada.  Several international participants have been able to connect toll-free using Skype for a VOIP connection, which we now recommend to others calling in from outside the U.S. and Canada. 
First, you'll need to establish a Skype account at  Once Skype is set up and functioning correctly the only thing that is different when connecting with our "InThinking Roadmap" conference call sessions ("OD" or "The New Economics Study Sessions") is the use of a pass code and security code.  For our "OD" sessions, these numbers are provided once the "participant survey" is completed.  For the "The New Economics Study Sessions," these numbers are provided in an email from Tim Higgins, who hosts these calls.  In either case, when prompted by Skype to enter these codes, use the keyboard not voice option and be sure to turn off the computer's microphone, otherwise the numeric keys don't function.  If the microphone is left on when the codes are entered, Skype's automated operator will reply with "number not recognized," as no number has been transmitted.
New users of Skype are encouraged to perform a conference call test in advance of the scheduled "InThinking Roadmap" conference call.  Contact Bill Bellows to arrange for a test call. 
Future OD Dates

Mark your calendars - future Ongoing Discussion sessions will be held on the following dates (subject to slight changes), from 12-1pm and 1-2pm Pacific Time.

Month, Dates and Thought Leader(s):

April 21-22, Peter Stonefield
May 23-24, John Pourdehnad
September 26-27, David Wayne 
October 20-21, Debbie Cook
Note that the "OD" home page on the In2:InThinking Network web site is being moved to a PWR website.   Stay tuned for the new address.   
Systems Thinking Newsletter

Available online for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne employees...

The Systems Thinker
 is an electronic newsletter made available monthly (on a subscription basis) by Pegasus Communications. Each issue provides articles and case studies on systems thinking concepts and is available only electronically (as a pdf file). Tools and techniques for use in the Learning Organization are regularly included in this valuable publication. Featured authors include thought leaders and consultants well known in organizational learning and change management circles.

The current edition of the SYSTEMS THINKER, as well as archived issues from December 2002 through January 2011, is available for reading and printing by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne employees

Network friends outside of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne can learn more about this newsletter AND read a variety of sample issues and articles
online. Individual and site licenses are available.
InThinking Roadmap Seminars and Workshops

The following in-house "InThinking Roadmap" seminars and workshops are open to employees of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR), as well as suppliers, customers, family members, and "Members of the Community."   "Members of the Community" are individuals who are involved full or part time, or in a volunteer capacity, in community related work.

Background information on PWR's InThinking Roadmap, in addition to seminar and workshop descriptions and upcoming schedules, are being added to a new PWR website, to be announced. 
The schedule below includes the next available offerings for the listed seminars in Canoga Park, California.  Contact
Bill Bellows
to request additional information.

Note that the dates listed below are subject to change.  All times listed are Pacific Time.

InThinking Together (formerly "ET")

Description: This seminar explores the philosophies of a variety of management theorist, including but not limited to Russell Ackoff, W. Edwards Deming, Edward de Bono, Tom Johnson, and Genichi Taguchi, among many others; as they apply to the management of organizational resources, including ideas, innovation, knowledge, money, equipment, and space.  Among the topics of discussion will be the concepts of "better thinking about thinking" (InThinking) and "Purposeful Resource Management."  The seminar will introduce you to these ideas through a series of questions that are specially selected to create awareness of a new approach to working together, learning together, and thinking together. 


Registration Fee - there is NO fee to attend


Prerequisites - there are NO prerequisites


Format - two 4.5-hour sessions over two days, offered as an in-person event


Presented by: Bill Bellows


Schedule for InThinking Together classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne


Class #CP-2011-03

Part 1 - 24-Mar-11 - 7:00-11:30am

Part 2 - 25-Mar-11 - 7:00-11:30am


Class #CP-2011-05

Part 1 - 23-May-11 - 7:00-11:30am

Part 2 - 24-May-11 - 7:00-11:30am

Class #CP-2011-06

Part 1 - 23-Jun-11 - 7:00-11:30am

Part 2 - 24-Jun-11 - 7:00-11:30am


Register to attend InThinking Together  

Six Thinking Hats 

Description: This seminar is designed to present a more structured approach to thinking, for individuals and teams. We have developed many excellent thinking tools for argument and analysis. Our information technology methods are constantly improving. We have, however, developed few tools to deal with our ordinary everyday thinking - the sort of thinking we do in conversations and in meetings. What is needed is Parallel Thinking or Thinking Together, where each thinker puts forward his or her thoughts in parallel with the thoughts of others. The Six Thinking Hats method is a practical way of carrying out Parallel Thinking. This seminar explores Edward de Bono's concept of Six Thinking Hats as a way to unbundle thinking, separating out its different aspects. Use of the Six Thinking Hats can result in more productive meetings on the road to better resource management within a growing environment of "InThinking Together."
Registration Fee - there is no fee for PWR employees to attend.  For visitors, we charge $165, payable to Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne.

Prerequisite - there are NO prerequisites

Presented by: Tim Higgins

Schedule for Six Thinking Hats classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

Class #CP-2011-02
12-Apr-11 (7:00am-3:30pm)

Class #CP-2011-03
16-Aug-11 (7:00am-3:30pm)


Class #CP-2011-04
18-Oct-11 (11:30pm-3:30pm)

19-Oct-11 (11:30pm-3:30pm)
Lateral Thinking
Description: This seminar provides participants with a number of deliberate, formal tools for creative thinking followed with opportunities to practice building usable skills. Seminar content is based on the work of Edward de Bono, an international authority on creative thinking and the direct teaching of thinking skills. Edward de Bono's Lateral Thinking tools are based directly on how the brain functions as a self-organizing information system. Here are some notes from Edward de Bono on the definition of Lateral Thinking:

1. You cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper.
2. Lateral Thinking is for changing concepts and perceptions instead of trying harder with the same concepts and perceptions.
3. In self-organizing information systems, asymmetric patterns are formed.

Lateral Thinking is a method for cutting across from one pattern to another. This course develops skill in the use of the Lateral Thinking tools by means of practice exercises. Skills learned will build upon concepts covered in other classes on our InThinking Roadmap.

Registration Fee - there is no fee for PWR employees to attend.  For visitors, we charge $120, payable to Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne.

Prerequisite - Six Thinking Hats
Format - two 8-hour sessions, offered as an in-person event

Presented by: Tim Higgins

Schedule for Lateral Thinking classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne  
Class #CP-2011-02
1-Dec-11 and 8-Dec-11    7:00am-4:00pm
Register to attend Lateral Thinking
Managing Variation as a System

Description: This seminar continues to explore the prospects of better thinking as defined by the management and leadership philosophies of Russell Ackoff, W. Edwards Deming and Genichi Taguchi and other like-minded systemic thinkers. The topics of discussion will be "Resource Management" (the systemic application of resources, including activities without problems, but featuring opportunities for investment) and it's applicability to variation management and systems thinking. This seminar will introduce you to these ideas through a series of questions specially selected to reveal a refreshing perspective when managing variation as a system.

Registration Fee - there is NO fee for employees to attend.  Visitors are asked to bring a copy of the course textbook (Donald Wheeler's
Understanding Variation), which can be purchased online for as low as $25.  Follow this link to Amazon for one purchase option.

Prerequisite - there are NO prerequisites

Format - three 3-hour sessions over three days, offered as an in-person event

resented by: Joe Onstott

Class #CP-2011-01
17-Oct-11, 19-Oct-11, 21-Oct-11     8:00-11:00am

Register to attend Managing Variation as a System

Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making

Description: The seminar presents more rational approaches to problem solving, decision making, and successful planning. The seminar content is based on the work of Charles Kepner and Ben Tregoe who studied the methodology of "successful" managers and concluded that better skills in problem solving, decision-making and planning were a key distinction.
Registration Fee - there is no fee for PWR employees to attend.  For visitors, we charge $330, payable to Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne.

Prerequisite - there are NO prerequisites

Format - three 7-hour sessions over three weeks, offered as an in-person event

Presented by: Tim Higgins

Suggestion: If you are unable to attend all three sessions in a given monthly series, we encourage you to attend the first session and then attend the second and third in any order during a future monthly series.

Schedule for Kepner-Tregoe classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

Class #CP-2011-01
31-Mar-11, 7-Apr-11, and 14-Apr-11    7:00am-4:00pm 

Class #CP-2011-02
13-Sep-11, 20-Sep-11, and 27-Sep-11    7:00am-4:00pm 


Register to attend Lateral Thinking
The New Economics Study Session

Description: A group of participants assembles, some in-person and some via teleconference, for this 14-hour series. Participants discuss W. Edwards Deming's last book, The New Economics, in which he introduced his concept of a "System of Profound Knowledge." The group reads specified chapters before each session and discusses the meaning and application of the ideas, as well as personal reactions to the ideas. Supplemental reading material become part of the conversations, as do reactions to video tapes of Dr. Deming.
Registration Fee - there is NO fee to attend.  In addition, this is a toll-free call from the United States and Canada.  International participants are welcome to join in as well, provided they do so at their own expense for the conference call.

Prerequisite - there are NO prerequisites

Format - seven 2-hour sessions over three and a half weeks, offered as a teleconference event

Presented by: Tim Higgins

Session #CP-2011-02
Sessions begin on 23-May-11 and run on Mondays and Wednesdays through 15-Jun-11, from 3:00-5:00pm (skipping Memorial Day)

Session #CP-2011-03
Sessions begin on 31-Oct-11 and run on Mondays and Wednesdays through 21-Nov-11, from 3:00-5:00pm
Register to attend the TNE Study Session
Design of Experiments & Taguchi Methods -An Overview

Description: This seminar introduces the fundamentals of both Design of Experiments (DOE) and Taguchi Methods and also serves to relate both bodies of knowledge to PWR's InThinking Network efforts.  This course is a condensed version of two extensive 40-hour Taguchi Methods seminars.   The shorter overview is designed to provide a strong foundation in the thinking and applicability of DOE and Taguchi Methods for both process and product improvement. 

Registration Fee - there is NO fee to attend
Prerequisite - there are NO prerequisites

Format - eight 2-hour sessions over four weeks, offered as an in-person event

Presented by: Bill Bellows 

Schedule for Design of Experiments & Taguchi Methods - An Overview 
Class #CP-2011-01
To be determined
Register to attend the Design of Experiments & Taguchi Methods - An Overview 
PRATT & WHITNEY ROCKETDYNE | PO Box 7922 | Mail Code RAA14 | Canoga Park | CA | 91309