Ongoing Discussion Announcement
January 2007


Welcome First Timers

January 2007 Ongoing Discussion – Russell Ackoff

OD Details

Future OD Dates

Systems Thinking Newsletter

Thinking Roadmap Seminars

Enterprise Thinking Seminar

Six Thinking Hats

Lateral Thinking

Managing Variation as a System

Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making

The New Economics Study Session


Aim and Stats


Now in our eighth year of operation, the aim of the "OD" sessions is to continue to foster an appreciation of Enterprise Thinking, as well as inthinking, within an emerging thinking network that is developing inside Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and beyond. Dates for future "OD" sessions along with additional "thinking" opportunities for 2007 can be found in this announcement.

OD Stats

For an update on OD statistics, last month's invitation was sent to 3493 inthinking partners. With the latest updates to our mailing list, this month's invitation is going out to 3508 partners in the U.S., as well as fellow inthinking partners in Australia, Austria, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the U.K.. Taken together, these individuals represent over 470 organizations in this list of nations, from elementary schools and senior high schools to colleges and universities, from one-person consulting firms to United Technologies, GM, IBM, General Electric, NASA, and Philips Electronics. Among this list of invitees, participation in last month’s OD conference call with Ralph Wood included 37 partners from across the US and England as well. Added to the 407 partners for our sessions through November, 444 partners joined in throughout 2006 (402 thinking partners joined us throughout 2005). Is this common cause variation or another special cause event??? Hmmmm...

Nonetheless, the diffusion process continuuues...


Good morning from Canoga Park, California, home of United Technologies' Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. With the start of the new year, not to mention Winnie the Pooh Day on January 18th (can we hear a TTFN?), it's time to come together for a few hours of "thinking together." This month’s Ongoing Discussion is scheduled for Thursday, January 18th and Friday, January 19th, from 12-2pm Pacific Time on both days.

Click here for the January 2007 In2:InThinking Network newsletter.

  • Welcome First Timers
  • Your names have been added by virtue of your attendance in our series of Thinking Roadmap seminars and overviews, or attendance at the annual In2:InThinking Network Forum, or through a personal request, from you or a friend. Welcome to our thinking networks.

    Click the link below to send me the name and email address of anyone you would like to have added to the mailing list, or let me know if you would like to be removed.

    Contact Bill Bellows
  • January 2007 Ongoing Discussion – Russell Ackoff
  • Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne's Enterprise Thinking Network is delighted to present Russell Ackoff as the inaugural Thought Leader for 2007 in a repeat of his kick-off Thought Leader role for 2006. Never one to stand still, Dr. Ackoff released two books in 2006 - Idealized Design: How to Dissolve Tomorrow's and Management F-laws. Both are testimony to his stature as a systems thinker without equal in the 21st century.

    For those who are new to his work, Dr. Ackoff is the Anheuser-Busch Professor Emeritus of Management Science, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and was the August A. Busch, Jr. Visiting Professor of Marketing, John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University, St. Luis, MO, from 1989-95. He received his undergraduate degree in architecture (1941) and his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science from the University of Pennsylvania (1947). He was a member and former Chairman of the Social Systems Sciences Department and the Busch Center, which specializes in systems planning, research, and design - both within The Wharton School. His work in research, consulting, and education has involved more than 350 corporations and 75 government agencies in the United States and abroad. Including his 2 books in 2006, he has written 24 books. He is also a friend of the In2:InThinking Network and has graciously contributed to In2:IN efforts on a regular basis, such as his videotaped keynote address at the 2006 Forum ("The Biggest Mistake Managers Make"), which is included in the full set of Forum proceedings.

    Over the years, Dr. Ackoff has collected "truths about organizations that we might wish to deny or ignore - simple and more reliable guides to managers' everyday behavior than the complex truths proposed by scientists, economists and philosophers." He refers to these "truths" as f-Laws, which are the basis of his last book. The short version of these f-Laws serves as this month's Thought Piece. The long version will be published by Triarchy Press in late January. This work includes over 100 f-Laws and "is designed to whet your appetite and get you thinking about the often-unacknowledged realities of organizations: what really motivates managers; why are companies run the way they are; how come they don't work better?"

    For example...

    The more time managers spend trying to get rid of what they don’t want, the less likely they are to get what they do want

    When one gets rid of what one does not want, one is likely to get something one wants even less. For example, getting rid of a television program by changing the channel often yields a program that one wants even less. When DDT was used to get rid of pests it harmed things we did not want to get rid of. Prohibition gave a stimulus to organized crime that was more harmful to society than abuse of alcohol.

    Managers cannot learn from doing things right, only from doing them wrong

    Doing something right can only confirm what one already knows or believes; one cannot learn from it. However, one can learn from making mistakes, by identifying and correcting them. Nevertheless, making a mistake is frowned upon in most organizations, from school on up, and often is punishable. To the extent that recognition of mistakes is suppressed, so is learning.

    Needless to say, Dr. Ackoff has opinions about how organizations are managed and led that are worthy of note, now more than ever. In 1993, Dr. Ackoff wrote (from The Democratic Corporation),

    "There are not enough institutional and organizational leaders in America who understand the prevailing mess, let alone know how to deal with it. Our only hope for stemming the retreating tide is to stimulate enough of the right kind of leadership by confronting it with the right kind of ideas, ideas that mobilize out human resources into concerted, constructive action."

    Contact Russell Ackoff
  • OD Details
  • Please join us for one or all of the hours of this month’s OD. As always, you are invited to participate for as long, or as short, as you can in one or both of these sessions...

    Option Time (Pacific Time)
    1 – Thursday, January 18th 12:00-1:00pm
    2 – Thursday, January 18th 1:00-2:00pm
    3 – Friday, January 19th 12:00-1:00pm
    4 – Friday, January 19th 1:00-2:00pm

    The agenda for each option will be:
    Timing: Topic
    Opening 10 minutes: Call in & Introductions
    Next 45 minutes: Ongoing Discussion
    Last 5 minutes: Close

    Please reply to this note by noon Pacific Time on Wednesday, January 17th to confirm your plans to participate in one (or more) of these options. If you do plan to attend, please complete the OD PARTICIPATION SURVEY by using the link below...


    Those of you connecting in Canoga Park can join in from conference rooms 205 and 206 in building 1 at Canoga. Telecon lines (including a pass code and a security code) have been arranged for those who cannot join us at Canoga and are provided upon completion of the participant survey.

    Please forward this announcement to anyone we missed who would also like to participate.


    Site Lead
    Enterprise Thinking Network
    Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

  • Future OD Dates
  • Mark your calendars - future Ongoing Discussion sessions will be held on the following dates, from 12-1pm and 1-2pm Pacific Time.

    Month, Dates and Thought Leader
    February 22-23: Sheldon Rovin
    March 22-23: Andrew Johnson
    April 26-27: TBD
    May 17-18: Chris Soderquist
    June 28-89: Rick Searfoss
    July 26-27: TBD

  • Systems Thinking Newsletter
  • Now available online for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne employees...

    The Systems Thinker is an electronic newsletter made available monthly (on a subscription basis) by Pegasus Communications. Each issue provides articles and case studies on systems thinking concepts and is available only electronically (as a .pdf file). Tools and techniques for use in the Learning Organization are regularly included in this valuable publication. Featured authors include thought leaders and consultants well known in organizational learning and change management circles.

    The current edition of the SYSTEMS THINKER, as well as archived issues from February 2003 through December 2006, is available for reading and printing by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne employees here.

    Network friends outside of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne can learn more about this newsletter AND read a variety of sample issues and articles online. Individual and site licenses are available.

  • Thinking Roadmap Seminars
  • Opportunities within Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR)

    The following in-house "Thinking Roadmap" workshops are open to employees of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, as well as suppliers, customers, family members, and "members of the community." This schedule includes the next available offerings for the listed seminars in Canoga Park, CA. Contact Bill Bellows for additional seminar information or to register for any of these upcoming sessions.

  • Enterprise Thinking Seminar
  • Registration Fee - there is NO fee to attend.
    Pre-requisite – there are NO pre-requisites.
    Format - two 4.5-hour sessions over two days

    Schedule for Enterprise Thinking classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

    Class # CP-545
    Part 1 - 1-Feb-07 - 7:00-11:30am
    Part 2 - 2-Feb-07 - 7:00-11:30am

    Class # CP-547
    Part 1 - 22-Feb-07 - 7:00-11:30am
    Part 2 - 23-Feb-07 - 7:00-11:30am

    Class # CP-549
    Part 1 - 22-Mar-07 - 7:00-11:30am
    Part 2 - 23-Mar-07 - 7:00-11:30am

    Sign-up for Enterprise Thinking
  • Six Thinking Hats
  • Registration Fee - $165, charged back to participant's department for PWR employees and paid by check for "members of the community."
    Pre-requisite - attended Enterprise Thinking within the past 12 to 14 months.
    Format - one 8-hour session.

    Schedule for Six Thinking Hats classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

    Class # CP-44

    New dates TBD

    Sign-up for Six Thinking Hats
  • Lateral Thinking
  • Lateral Thinking

    Registration Fee - $130, charged back to participant's department for PWR employees and paid by check for "members of the community."
    Pre-requisite – attended Enterprise Thinking within the past 12 to 14 months.
    Format - two 7-hour sessions over two weeks.

    Schedule for Lateral Thinking classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

    New dates TBD

    Sign-up for Lateral Thinking
  • Managing Variation as a System
  • Registration Fee - there is NO fee to attend.
    Pre-requisite – there are NO pre-requisites.
    Format - three 3-hour sessions over three days

    Schedule for Managing Variation as a System classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

    New dates TBD

    Sign-up for Managing Variation as a System
  • Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Registration Fee - $330, charged back to participant's department for PWR employees and paid by check for "members of the community."
    Pre-requisite – attended Enterprise Thinking within the past 12 to 14 months.
    Format - three 7-hour sessions over three weeks.

    Suggestion: If you are unable to attend all three sessions in a given monthly series, we encourage you to attend the first session and then attend the second and third in any order during a future monthly series.

    Schedule for Kepner-Tregoe classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

    New dates TBD

    Sign-up for Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving & Decision Making Seminar
  • The New Economics Study Session
  • Registration Fee - there is NO fee to attend.
    Pre-requisite – there are NO pre-requisites.
    Format - seven 2-hour sessions over three weeks

    Schedule for The New Economics Study Session classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

    New dates TBD

    Sign-up for announcements of the next TNE Study Session
    :: 818-586-6579

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    Enterprise Thinking Network | c/o Bill Bellows | Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne | PO Box 7922 Mail Code AA14 | Canoga Park | CA | 91309