Ongoing Discussion Announcement
May 2006


Welcome First Timers

May 2006 OD ? Surviving the Fittest: New Lessons on Competition from Mother Nature

OD Details

Future OD Dates

Systems Thinking Newsletter

Thinking Opportunities

Enterprise Thinking Workshop

Six Thinking Hats

Lateral Thinking

Managing Variation as a System

Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making


Aim and Stats


Now in our seventh year of operation, the aim of the "OD" sessions is to continue to foster an appreciation of Enterprise Thinking, as well as inthinking, within an emerging thinking network that is developing inside Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and beyond. Dates for future "OD" sessions along with additional "thinking" opportunities for 2006 can be found in this announcement.

OD Stats

Last month's invitation was sent to 3151 inthinking partners. With the addition of 46 inthinking partners, this month's invitation is going out to 3197 partners in the U.S., as well as fellow inthinking partners in Australia, Austria, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.K.. Taken together, these individuals represent over 440 organizations in this list of nations, from elementary schools and senior high schools to colleges and universities, from one-person consulting firms to United Technologies, IBM, General Electric, NASA, and Philips Electronics. Among this list of invitees, participation in last month's conference call with Hank Milewski included 40 partners from across the US and England as well. Added to 134 partners for our sessions through March, 174 partners have joined in so far this year (402 thinking partners joined us throughout 2005). Yes, the diffusion process continuuues...


Good morning from Canoga Park, California, home of United Technologies' Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. With the passing of May Day and Cinco de Mayo, plus the coming of "Frog Jumping Jubilee Day" (today, Jim W), it's time to come together for a few hours of "thinking together." This month's Ongoing Discussion is scheduled for next Wednesday and Friday, May 24th and 26th, from 12-2pm Pacific Time.

  • Welcome First Timers
  • Your names have been added by virtue of your attendance in our series of Thinking Roadmap seminars and overviews, or attendance at the annual In2:InThinking Network Forum, or through a personal request, from you or a friend. Welcome to our thinking network.

    Click the link below to send me The name and email address of anyone you would like to have added to the mailing list, or let me know if you would like to be removed.

    Contact Bill
  • May 2006 OD - Surviving the Fittest: New Lessons on Competition from Mother Nature
  • Please join us for this month?s Ongoing Discussion featuring Joel Barker. For those who may not know, Joel Barker was the first person to popularize the concept of paradigm shifts for the corporate world. He discovered that the concept of paradigms, which at that time was sequestered within the scientific discussion, could explain revolutionary change in all areas of human endeavor. By 1985, he had built the case and corporations and nations were seeking his advice. In 1986, he released his first videotape, Discovering the Future: The Business of Paradigms, which many of us have seen. By 1988, it was the best selling business video in history. In 2001, he updated this film to include contemporary examples and a shortened version. In 1990, he released his second video, The Power of Vision. This became his second best seller and has also been translated into more than a dozen languages. His book on paradigms, Future Edge, published in 1992, was listed as one of the most influential business books of that year by the prestigious Library Journal.

    In this month's discussion, Joel will share his ideas about new lessons in competition that we can learn from natural systems. Please read his Thought Piece titled "Surviving the Fittest: New Lessons on Competition from Mother Nature". Joel has examined data from research on survival of organisms when their environment changes, and compares some of the researchers conclusions to what we see in the business world. This should be a stimulating discussion, given many people's interests in ecology and our changing environment, evolution and natural selection as a metaphor often invoked by business organizations, and the risks of comparing the behavior of natural systems to human organizations and systems.

    Here are some questions you may wish to consider in preparation for the conversation:

    • What operational definitions do we need for this discussion? What is meant by "fitness" in a Red Pen Company? In a Blue Pen Company? What are examples of cooperation in ecological or natural systems?
    • What other authors might be useful to consult on this topic? For example, Fritjof Capra has written extensively on living systems.

    Joel Barker has worked with organizations, both for profit and not for profit, all over the world as well as with nations, including Singapore, Venezuela, Canada, Mexico and Peru. His honors include an honorary Doctorate in Visionary Leadership from St. Mary's University and the Excellence in Education Award given to him by the international education association, Pi Lambda Theta for his part in supporting educational innovation. Formerly director of the Futures Studies Department of the Science Museum of Minnesota from 1974 to 1978, Joel has spoken to more than 1 million people around the world and his films have been seen by more than 250 million people.

    If you are unable to join us, or would like to reconnect with Joel after the OD sessions, you are invited to contact him by email by clicking the link below.

    Contact Joel Barker
  • OD Details

    Please join us for one or all of the hours of this month's OD. As always, you are invited to participate for as long, or as short, as you can in one or both of these sessions...

    Option Time (Pacific Time)
    1 - Wednesday, May 24th 12:00-1:00pm
    2 - Wednesday, May 24th 1:00-2:00pm
    3 - Friday, May 26th 12:00-1:00pm
    4 - Friday, May 26th 1:00-2:00pm

    The agenda for each option will be:
    Timing Topic
    Opening 10 minutes Call in & Introductions
    Next 45 minutes Ongoing Discussion
    Last 5 minutes Close

    Please reply to this note by 5pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, May 23rd to confirm your plans to participate in one (or more) of these options by clicking "sign-up" below. If you do plan to attend, please SPECIFY your option selection.

    Those of you connecting in Canoga Park can join in from conference rooms 205 and 206 in building 1 at Canoga. Telecon lines have been arranged for those who cannot join us at Canoga...
    Inside & outside of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
    Pass code: 9823774

    Note: if you have trouble connecting during the telecon, contact Tim Higgins at 818-586-1932 (or 1936).

    Please forward this announcement to anyone we missed who would also like to participate.

  • Future OD Dates
  • Mark your calendars - future Ongoing Discussion sessions will be held on the following dates, from 12-1pm and 1-2pm Pacific Time

    Month and Dates
    June 29 30
    July 27 28
    August 24 25 (or August 31 and September 1)
    September 28 29
    October 19 20 (or 26 and 27)
    November 16 17 (or 20 and 21)

  • Systems Thinking Newsletter
  • Now available online for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne employees...

    The Systems Thinker is an electronic newsletter made available monthly (on a subscription basis) by Pegasus Communications. Each issue provides articles and case studies on systems thinking concepts and is available only electronically (as a .pdf file). Tools and techniques for use in the Learning Organization are regularly included in this valuable publication. Featured authors include thought leaders and consultants well known in organizational learning and change management circles.

    The current edition of the SYSTEMS THINKER, as well as archived issues from February 2003 through May 2006, is available for reading and printing by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne employees here.

    Network friends outside of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne can learn more about this newsletter AND read a variety of sample issues and articles online. Individual and site licenses are available.

  • Thinking Opportunities

    Inside Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR): Thinking Roadmap Workshops

    The following in-house "Thinking Roadmap" workshops are open to Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne employees, suppliers, customers, family members, and "Members of the community." You can sign up for any of the workshops by clicking the "Sign-Up" link listed after each workshop.

  • Enterprise Thinking Workshop

    Registration Fee - there is NO fee to attend.
    Pre-requisite - there are NO pre-requisites.

    Schedule for Enterprise Thinking classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
    Class # CP-523
    Part 1 - 29-Jun-06 - 7:00-11:30am
    Part 2 - 30-Jun-06 - 7:00-11:30am

    Sign-Up for Enterprise Thinking
  • Six Thinking Hats
  • Registration Fee - $165, charged back to participant's department for PWR employees and paid by check for "Members of the community."
    Pre-requisite - attended Enterprise Thinking within the past 12 to 14 months.

    Schedule for Six Thinking Hats classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
    Class # CP-43
    22-May-06 - 8:00-4:00pm

    Sign-up for Six Hats
  • Lateral Thinking
  • Lateral Thinking

    Registration Fee - $130, charged back to participant's department for PWR employees and paid by check for "Members of the community."
    Pre-requisite - attended Enterprise Thinking within the past 12 to 14 months.

    Schedule for Lateral Thinking classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
    Class #CP-43
    Part 1 - 24-Jul-06 - 8:00-4:00pm
    Part 2 - 31-Jul-06 - 8:00-4:00pm

    Sign-up for Lateral Thinking
  • Managing Variation as a System

    Registration Fee - there is NO fee to attend.
    Pre-requisite - there are NO pre-requisites.

    Schedule for Managing Variation as a System classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
    Class # CP-85
    Part 1 - 6-Jun-06 - 8:00-11:00am
    Part 2 - 7-Jun-06- 8:00-11:00am
    Part 3 - 9-Jun-06- 8:00-11:00am

    Sign-Up for Managing Variation
  • Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Registration Fee - $330, charged back to participant's department for PWR employees and paid by check for "Members of the community."
    Pre-requisite - attended Enterprise Thinking within the past 12 to 14 months.

    Schedule for Kepner-Tregoe classes in Canoga Park, CA for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
    Class # CP-85
    Part 1 - 15-Aug-06 - 8:00-4:00pm
    Part 2 - 22-Aug-06 - 8:00-4:00pm
    Part 3 - 29-Aug-06 - 8:00-4:00pm

    Sign-Up for Kepner-Tregoe
    :: 818-586-6579

    Forward email

    In2:InThinking Network | P.O. Box 9384 | Canoga Park | CA | 91309