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Weekend Conference Presentation
Morning Keynote - June 13
Aspiration, Inspiration, and Achievement

Presented by Pauline Arneberg


Abstract: We will inquire into the nature/role of inspiration in leadership and do some demystifying.  The connection between inspiration, aspiration and achievement will be explored as will the sources of inspiration.  Some of the questions this session will address:

  • What would an “inspired workplace” look like; what tools are available for leaders to create this kind of a workplace? 
  • What can science contribute to our understanding of “inspiration”?
  • What is the role of mindfulness in inspiration? 
  • Can the energy of inspiration be harnessed?
  • Are there any physical exercises that support inspiration?
  • Are there any best practices to be learned at the individual and collective levels?

This will be an experiential session; come prepared to work.

As a keynote speaker, Pauline's presentation was "translated" into a 4ft by 15ft mural by our graphic recorder, Greg Whicker. Click on image for an expanded view.

Pauline Arneberg

Pauline Arneberg

Biography: Pauline Arneberg has practiced organization development for the past 30 years; she currently teaches at the USC School of Policy, Planning and Development as well as the CSUN MPA. She has a broad international background; she has worked in Bahrain, Jordan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Kenya, and Thailand. She brings a broad cultural perspective to the dilemmas faced when we are in a learning mode, which, ideally, would be most of the time.

Contact: Pauline can be reached by e-mail at pauline.arneberg@gmail.com for additional information about this Conference session.

Website: www.paulinearneberg.com

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/pub/pauline-arneberg/8/b57/b21/en

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