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Major Opportunities  

In the summer of 2000, the founding members of our non-profit company developed a vision of an annual "West Coast Forum," which we first hosted in April 2002.  Our opening keynote speaker was Myron Tribus, who would often remind us;

what you see depends on what you thought before you looked.

Similar reasoning was framed by Tom Johnson (who has joined us for keynote presentations on 3 occasions - 2003, 2008, and 2011), in his book,
Profit Beyond Measure;

How the world we perceive works depends on how we think.  The world we perceive is a world we bring forth through our thinking.

In a world in which our actions speak volumes and our underlying thinking patterns are whispered, how often are our actions fueled by blaming the last straw, such as the fumbles that led to the football game being lost or the customer or student who didn't follow instructions?  Herein, major opportunities exist to discover that
straws, football players, customers, and students don't act alone; blame is a symptom of how we think.  As revealed by Tom Johnson, extraordinary results (including profits) flow from better attention to thinking, learning, and working together. 

If you're interested in exploring major opportunities for better thinking about thinking in industry, government, and education, we invite you to join us at the In2:InThinking Network 2012 Forum in Los Angeles, California on April 19th through 24th.  This year, our ever timely focus will be;

"Leading with Better Questions"  

For reservations or more information, visit our 2012 Forum website at www.in2in.org/forums/2012 or e-mail us at registrar@in2in.org Our Forum registration fee is $400 for the weekend Conference, with a $50 discount for registrations received by midnight, Pacific Time, on March 8th.


In2:IN 2012 Forum Team
In2:InThinking Network | P.O. Box 9384 | Canoga Park | CA | 91309