In2:InThinking Network 2011 Forum
Remembering the Duke (as he remembered his team) 

Once upon a time, there were three major league baseball teams in New York; the New York Yankees, the New York Giants, and the Brooklyn Dodgers.  Two headed west and one stayed in the Big Apple.   Long before the moving vans arrived, Duke Snider roamed center field for the Dodgers, with Willie "Say Hey" Mays in center field for the Giants, and Mickey Mantle in center field for the Yankees.   Upon the recent death of Duke Snider, one of his obituaries quoted him as saying, "The newspapers compared Willie, Mickey, and I, and that was their thing.  As a team, we competed with the Giants, and we faced the Yankees in the World Series.  So we had a rivalry as a team, that was it.  It was an honor to be compared to them, they were both great players."   Here's to the Duke for seeing himself as part of something big, a team, in spite of sports writers who are quick to see the the winnning run and confuse it with last straw.   Somehow, Duke Snider knew better.
If you're interested in exploring the limitless implications of improving team work in industry, government, and education (not to mention sports teams and health care), through better thinking about thinkingwe invite you to join us at the In2:InThinking Network 2011 Forum in Los Angeles, California on April 28th through May 3rd.  This year, our ever timely focus will be; 

"Exploring Opportunities: Imagine...Define....Lead......"  

For reservations or more information, visit or e-mail our Forum Team at  The last day for our early registration discount is today, March 28th, for a $50 savings on our $400 registration fee. 

In2:IN 2011 Forum Team
P.O. Box 9384
Canoga Park, California 91309
In2:InThinking Network | P.O. Box 9384 | Canoga Park | CA | 91309