In2:InThinking Network 2010 Forum
Which RULE, TOOL, or TECHNIQUE will help us save our organizations?

On Monday, the US senate introduced a bill to prevent reoccurences of the current US financial crisis.  Does this sound familiar?  As in the past, the bill proposes more tools and rules to ensure the "economic carnage" will not happen again.  Without a thinking transformation, will this change in rules and tools prevent us from succumbing to a crisis of a different origin in the future?  Peter Drucker, the late writer and management consultant, highlighted the importance of context and THINKING when applying generic TOOLS and TECHNIQUES in an 80th birthday letter to Russell Ackoff.  He wrote,
"Quantitative analysis comes AFTER the THINKING--it validates the thinking; it shows up intellectual sloppiness and uncritical reliance on the precedent, on untested assumptions and on the seemingly 'obvious.' But it does not substitute for hard, rigorous, intellectually challenging THINKING."
One of the limitations of rules, tools and techniques is that they are static; they work best under specific conditions, with associated assumptions.  Meanwhile, the world around us is dynamic. Do our organizations have the ability to keep up with these changes and continue to provide goods and services that are useful?  In addition to providing tools, we're in need of better thinking about our own thinking and the assumptions (inThinking) we make in how we allocate and share resources (time, money, space, materials, inventory, equipment, ideas, etc.), where thinking is defined as "a way of reasoning" and sharing is the foundation of teamwork.

If you are interested in exploring the limitless opportunities found in teamwork to create better solutions in local government or national government, or in the private sector of organizations, including service organizations, we invite you to join us at the In2:InThinking Network 2010 Forum in Los Angeles, California on April 15th through 20th.  Come join your colleagues who are working to improve the teamwork in our organizations.  Our theme this year is "Juggling Roles, Goals, and Context...In2 Harmony."   
For reservations or more information, visit or e-mail our Registration Team at registrar@in2in.orgThe last day for early registration discount is March 25th, for a $50 discount off of our $400 registration fee.

In2:IN 2010 Forum Team
P.O. Box 9384
Canoga Park, California 91309
In2:InThinking Network | P.O. Box 9384 | Canoga Park | CA | 91309